6 Weeks: Self-paced, Expert-led, Better Relationships.

Take advantage of the most in-depth adult child relationship strengthening course out there.

We live in a new world and there are new tools we need to use to revolutionize our adult child relationships, starting today. I'll show you step by step exactly how to better your relationships to get you from cautious to confident. Your adult children (and you!) will be better for it!

Step into Your Power as a Mother

You've got decades of experience, and still have so much value to add to their lives!


Transformative Education

With Next Level Motherhood, you'll get daily bite-sized videos and interactive exercises that are designed to teach you everything you need to know to handle the adult child dynamic.


Expert-led Coaching Calls

With these Small Group Coaching Calls, you'll have the chance to learn from your own experience as well as that of the uplifting mothers around you.


Supportive Community

Connect and bond with other Mothers of Influence in a place where realizations are made and relationships mended all the time!

Next Level Motherhood Course


6 WEEKS ($5,517 Value)

Watch your life and relationships improve right in front of your eyes!

You'll get:

  • Lifetime Access to Next Level Motherhood Course ($2,997 Value)

    • Bite-sized Daily Videos for 6 Weeks

    • Interactive Prompts and Exercises

  • Lifetime Access to ALL PAST Belief Society Workshops ($1350 Value)

  • Lifetime Access to 3 NEW Belief Society Workshops ($270 Value)

  • 12 Week Access to EVERYTHING in the Membership ($900 Value)

    • 6 Group Coaching Calls ($600 Value)

    • Supportive Community Chat ($150 Value)

    • On-demand Write In Support ($150 Value)

That's $5,517 Value for just $997.

PLUS this includes my

- risk free,

- no questions asked,

- 30 day,

money back guarantee.

Why wait another second for better relationships with your adult children?

Enter your information and get your course access today!

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The Results Speak For Themselves


Dr. Connie Pierce, DDS

I wish I would've had these tools many, many years ago. The skills that I had learned from Susie have enabled me to just take control of life a little better. It's made a huge difference in my ability to communicate with my son.

The next day of your new life is waiting for you...

I've provided the path and the safety net to reach NEXT LEVEL MOTHERHOOD, but I can't jump for you!

Take this leap of faith, today.
